Features of Astro 2.0, Challenge of Material UI, and Cleanse Diets

Astro has once again become a hot topic, capturing the attention of developers and impressing them with its user-friendly features. Astro 2.0 introduced new and improved error overlays that are functional and well-designed, making debugging more efficient for developers. Astro 2.0 is powered by the fast and efficient Vite 4, which has received high praise in the developer community. Robbie thinks Vite is the future of build tools and based on the State of JS results, many others seem to agree. Chuck shares his struggles with using material UI as a library for Tailwind, which has left him feeling frustrated. But, Robbie thinks using Tailwind UI and Headless UI makes material UI redundant. In this episode, Chuck and Robbie talk about the exciting new features of Astro 2, the pros and cons of using material UI, and their cleanse diets.