CSS Trig, Cypress, and Software Testing Alternatives
Slow page speeds and bad developer experience are huge pain points. If you can get those two things right, the developer community will likely rally behind you. CSS hit the bullseye when it introduced trigonometry functions to boost performance by avoiding Javascript. But Cypress has been a big letdown in DX. Before introducing trig functions, CSS was pretty limited and it relied on Javascript to do all the complex styling. Since Javascript takes a significant amount of time to parse, that’s a big hit to your overall page speed. Now, CSS trig functions allow more flexibility to style pages with angles. Even Chuck, who isn’t a fan of CSS, can admit this is a big win for developers. Cypress, on the other hand, has locked some of their features behind a paywall and some developers are not happy about the change. Chuck and Robbie both find the tool too complicated and expensive compared to its alternatives. In this episode, Robbie and Chuck talk about CSS introducing trigonometry functions to avoid Javascript, why Cypress isn’t living up to their expectations, testing software alternatives, and Chuck’s new sim racing hobby.