Block by Block


Start date:
March 2, 2022
End date:
March 2, 2022


Building new types of connections: A look at what’s next
Ivan Zhao, CEO of Notion
Olivia Nottebohm, CRO of Notion
Michael Manapat, Head of Engineering at Notion
In Conversation with Ira Glass
Akshay Kothari, COO of Notion
Ira Glass, Host and Creator of This American Life
Essential productivity setups
Frances Matthews, Founder of The Notion Bar
August Bradley, Creator of
Taking Notion to the max
Marie Poulin, Co-founder at Oki Doki
Khe Hy, CEO and Founder of RadReads
Becoming a Creator with Notion
Ben Lang, Head of Community at Notion
Marina Mogilko, Entrepreneur and YouTuber
Thomas Frank, Creator and co-owner of Standard & Nebula
Creating remarkable experiences
Emma Auscher, Head of Customer Experience at Notion
Martha Stewart, Founder, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia