Nuxt Nation


Start date:
September 15, 2021
End date:
September 15, 2021


Nuxt 3 Update
Sébastien Chopin, Creator of Nuxt.js
Enterprise Plugin Patterns
Josh Deltener, Lead Mastering Nuxt Instructor, Web Performance Expert, Nuxt Ambassador
Scalable Testing Practices for Modern Apps
Amir Rustamzadeh, Director of Developer Experience at Cypress, Software Developer
Lightning talks: Stop wasting your time and be more productive
Samuel Snopko
Lightning talks: Domain Driven Design & Nuxt - Using Nuxt Modules to structure large Nuxt Apps
Anton Reindl
Nuxt 100% Preloaded
Daniel Kelly, Lead Vue School Instructor, Senior Full Stack Developer, Nuxt & Vue Enthusiast
Migration to v3
Maria Lamardo, Digital Design Accessibility Manager at CVSHealth, Web A11y Consultant
Pooya Parsa, Head of Nuxt Framework
Daniel Roe, Nuxt Core Team member
Sébastien Chopin, Creator of Nuxt.js
Let SEO be with you in your Nuxt app
Alba Silvente Fuentes, Nuxt Ambassador, Storyblok Ambassador, Frontend Developer
The Best of Both Worlds: ISG for Nuxt
Ishan Anand, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Layer0, Co-host at Javascript Jam
Using Notion as a CMS with Nuxt
Ben Hong, Nuxt Ambassador, Vue Core Team Member, Staff Developer Experience Engineer at Netlify
Introduction to Nuxt Modules
Krutie Patel, Nuxt Ambassador, Senior Frontend Consultant
Nuxt Image
Debbie O’Brien, Head Developer Advocate at bitdev, Ex Head of Learning and Developer Advocate at Nuxt.js
Understand the hard parts of Nuxt
Konstantin Bifert, Nuxt.js Ambassador, Frontend Developer
Introduction to Nuxt Global Modules
Lucie Haberer, Nuxt Ambassador, Developer Experience Engineer at Prismic
How moving to serverless Nuxt sped up our time to market
Miguel Calles, Principal Security and Solutions Engineer, Published Author
Demystifying Lighthouse, CrUX, and Core Web Vitals - how to measure performance effectively
Filip Rakowski, Co-founder & CTO @VueStorefront, Vue.js Community Partner, Creator @StorefrontUI
State of Vue.js
Evan You, Creator of Vue.js