Nuxt Nation
- Location:
- Start date:
- September 15, 2021
- End date:
- September 15, 2021
- Nuxt 3 Update
- Sébastien Chopin, Creator of Nuxt.js
- Enterprise Plugin Patterns
- Josh Deltener, Lead Mastering Nuxt Instructor, Web Performance Expert, Nuxt Ambassador
- Scalable Testing Practices for Modern Apps
- Amir Rustamzadeh, Director of Developer Experience at Cypress, Software Developer
- Lightning talks: Stop wasting your time and be more productive
- Samuel Snopko
- Lightning talks: Domain Driven Design & Nuxt - Using Nuxt Modules to structure large Nuxt Apps
- Anton Reindl
- Nuxt 100% Preloaded
- Daniel Kelly, Lead Vue School Instructor, Senior Full Stack Developer, Nuxt & Vue Enthusiast
- Migration to v3
- Maria Lamardo, Digital Design Accessibility Manager at CVSHealth, Web A11y Consultant
- Pooya Parsa, Head of Nuxt Framework
- Daniel Roe, Nuxt Core Team member
- Sébastien Chopin, Creator of Nuxt.js
- Let SEO be with you in your Nuxt app
- Alba Silvente Fuentes, Nuxt Ambassador, Storyblok Ambassador, Frontend Developer
- The Best of Both Worlds: ISG for Nuxt
- Ishan Anand, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Layer0, Co-host at Javascript Jam
- Using Notion as a CMS with Nuxt
- Ben Hong, Nuxt Ambassador, Vue Core Team Member, Staff Developer Experience Engineer at Netlify
- Introduction to Nuxt Modules
- Krutie Patel, Nuxt Ambassador, Senior Frontend Consultant
- Nuxt Image
- Debbie O’Brien, Head Developer Advocate at bitdev, Ex Head of Learning and Developer Advocate at Nuxt.js
- Understand the hard parts of Nuxt
- Konstantin Bifert, Nuxt.js Ambassador, Frontend Developer
- Introduction to Nuxt Global Modules
- Lucie Haberer, Nuxt Ambassador, Developer Experience Engineer at Prismic
- How moving to serverless Nuxt sped up our time to market
- Miguel Calles, Principal Security and Solutions Engineer, Published Author
- Demystifying Lighthouse, CrUX, and Core Web Vitals - how to measure performance effectively
- Filip Rakowski, Co-founder & CTO @VueStorefront, Vue.js Community Partner, Creator @StorefrontUI
- State of Vue.js
- Evan You, Creator of Vue.js