An Event Apart Washington, DC 2010


Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC
Start date:
September 16, 2010
End date:
September 18, 2010


Web 2.1: The Medium Comes of Age
Jeffrey Zeldman, Author, Designing With Web Standards, 3rd Ed.
Object Oriented CSS
Nicole Sullivan, Co-author, Even Faster Websites
The CSS3 Experience
Dan Cederholm, Author, Bulletproof Web Design and Handcrafted CSS
Mobile First!
Luke Wroblewski, Author, Web Form Design
Message and Medium: Better Content by Design
Kristina Halvorson, Author, Content Strategy for the Web
Anatomy of a Design Decision
Jared Spool, Founder, User Interface Engineering
Everything Old Is New Again
Eric Meyer, Author, CSS: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Ed.
Paranormal Interactivity
Jeremy Keith, Author, DOM Scripting
Learning To Love Humans—Emotional Interface Design
Aarron Walter, Author, Building Findable Websites
Hardboiled Web Design
Andy Clarke, Author, Transcending CSS
A Dao of Flexibility
Ethan Marcotte, Co-author, Handcrafted CSS and Designing With Web Standards, 3rd Edition
How the Web Works
Jeff Veen, Author, Art & Science of Web Design