About Me

I’m a front-end web developer living in Manhattan, Kansas. I love building responsive, progressively enhanced websites using standards compliant HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can view some of my work in my portfolio or on GitHub.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, watching movies or hockey, or planning my next Disney vacation.


  • Standards-compliant and semantic HTML
  • CSS (Sass, Less, BEM)
  • JavaScript (ES6+, jQuery, Vue)
  • Mobile-first responsive web design
  • Progressive enhancement
  • Accessibility
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Content management systems (Drupal, WordPress)
  • Static site generators (Jekyll, Eleventy)
  • Template languages (Liquid, Twig, Django)
  • Frameworks and design systems (Bootstrap)
  • Build tools (npm, Grunt, Babel, PostCSS, webpack)
  • Version control (Git, GitHub)
  • Design tools (Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite)

View my résumé →



This site is built with Eleventy and hosted on Netlify. The CSS is written in Sass and built with npm.


  • Conferences — Conferences I’ve attended
  • /now — What’s happening in my life right now
  • /uses — Stuff I use


Trying out some new things.

  • Podcasts — Podcasts I’ve listened to
  • Games — Games I’m playing